RUL 00001 Published On: 05/08/2024
Question: What exactly is binding upon the Respondent upon the RFP submission on June 7 (noting that commercial terms would be yet to be negotiated)?
Answer: The RFP evaluation is based on the bids as they are submitted. If a short-listed bid proposes significant changes to facility configuration and pricing during final contract negotiation, that bid may be disqualified. NIPSCO is requesting a reasonable, good faith estimate of a PPA/AT costs at the time of bid submission. Key Commercial Terms have been posted to provide an example of the type and nature of Agreement that NIPSCO would anticipate negotiating with a short-listed Respondent and to provide guidance to Respondents in the preparation of bids. The short-listed Respondent and NIPSCO will negotiate a mutually acceptable agreement to govern any commercial relationship established by the parties.
RUL 00002 Published On: 05/09/2024
Question: 1) Page 27 of the RFP states each project must have a MISO generator IC queue position. Is this applicable to the RFP DER project bids as well? 2) If a bidder has multiple operating projects that exceed 3MW together, are they allowed to bid an aggregation to meet the 3MW threshold? Or must each facility be at least 3MW DC?
Answer: DER bids that intend to connect to NIPSCO's distribution system do not need a MISO queue number. Individual projects should meet the minimum MW threshold. The size threshold is in place to minimize costs associated with management of a portfolio of small-scale projects.
RUL 00003 Published On: 05/09/2024
Question: Would a 400 MW portion of a larger-sized project be considered conforming, if metered separately?
Answer: Yes
RUL 00004 Published On: 05/10/2024
Question: We are looking to submit to the NIPSCO RFP and were wondering what about the proposals NIPSCO desires to be ‘binding’. While we are in the queue process, we do not have our final costs and are hesitant to hold out firm pricing or a binding proposal for 6+ months. Any more information you could provide would be helpful. Would a non-binding proposal be accepted or dismissed out of hand?
Answer: Bids should reflect best estimates on interconnection costs. Bids should be good faith estimates of project costs, however some price movement may occur during final negotiation.